Friday, November 6, 2015

Cruel Intentions

Sebastian (Phillippe) gets in and Mrs. Caldwell responds to him coldly and leaves with Cecile. Kathryn asks her step-brother Sebastian to seduce Cecile; he declines as he is preparing to seduce virgin Annette Hargrove (Witherspoon), the child of their school's headmaster. The 2 make a wager: If Kathryn wins, she gets Sebastian's vintage Jaguar XK140; if Sebastian wins, Kathryn will have sex with him.

Greg concurs to discover out who did, and Sebastian likewise orders him to admire Sebastian as misinterpreted. Later on, Greg gushes about Sebastian to Annette and finds that the wrongdoer is Cecile's mom, Mrs. Caldwell. Desiring vengeance on the Caldwells, Sebastian informs Kathryn he will now seduce Cecile.

Kathryn informs Cecile's mom about Ronald and Cecile's love and Mrs. Caldwell intervenes in her child's relationship. Sebastian, in turn, calls Cecile to his home, seemingly to provide her a letter from Ronald. The next day, Cecile trusts in Kathryn, who encourages her to find out from Sebastian so that she can make Ronald delighted in bed.

Sebastian falls in love with Annette, who returns his sensations however still withstands him. As he has actually won the bet, Kathryn provides herself to Sebastian the next day, however he declines; he now just desires Annette. Kathryn ridicules him and threatens to destroy Annette's track record, so Sebastian claims indifference to Annette and coldly breaks up with her.

After Sebastian informs Kathryn that he has actually broken up with Annette and organized for Cecile and Ronald to be together, Kathryn exposes that she has actually understood all along that he was really in love with Annette and controlled him into offering her up. Sebastian leaves, and Kathryn calls Ronald to (wrongly) notify him that Sebastian struck her. Sebastian challenges Annette, however she declines his apologies; he sends her his journal, in which he has actually specificed all of Kathryn's manipulative plans, their bet, and composed his real sensations for Annette all along.

At Sebastian's funeral service, Cecile disperses copies of Sebastian's journal, made into a book by Annette, titled "Cruel Intentions". Kathryn is embarrassed and declined by her previous good friends, her track record is destroyed when the drugs concealed in her rosary are found. Annette drives away in Sebastian's vehicle with his journal at her side as fond memories of Sebastian play through her head.

The 2 make a wager: If Kathryn wins, she gets Sebastian's vintage Jaguar XK140; if Sebastian wins, Kathryn will have sex with him. Greg concurs to discover out who did, and Sebastian likewise orders him to admire Sebastian as misconstrued. Sebastian leaves, and Kathryn calls Ronald to (wrongly) notify him that Sebastian struck her. At Sebastian's funeral service, Cecile disperses copies of Sebastian's journal, made into a book by Annette, titled "Cruel Intentions". Annette drives away in Sebastian's vehicle with his journal at her side as fond memories of Sebastian play through her head.

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